Friday, May 30, 2008

Can a food journal help your Candida?

Your diet is connected to the way you feel, how you age, and most importantly the quality of your life. Do you even think about your food choices? Or is it only when you begin to feel run down, tired, or awful that you address the fact, that you should not have eaten that previous meal?

Planning to eat a better diet is takes effort. If you eat a lot of fast food, or dine in restaurant meals you may not know the ingredients or calories of the meals your regularly eat. If you enjoy processed frozen meals and you never look on the ingredient list; you will have the same problem.

You can figure where the changes should be made in your diet by writing down everything that you eat and drink for a two weeks. During this week do not make any changes to what you are eating or drinking. The second week, continue writing down everything. Take a moment to write down how you feel at 9am 12 noon 3 pm and before bed.

Before you start week three, take some time and research everything you have been eating and drinking the past two weeks. Visit your favorite fast food and dine-in restaurants website, and look at the calories and ingredient list. Look on the side of prepackaged and frozen foods you eat and also record the facts about the foods. Write down if you have been drinking drinks with corn syrup, cream, milk, or flavored syrups.

What effects are these foods having on your Candida? Are the foods and beverages you enjoy adding to you having chronic yeast infections?

For more information on what foods you should be eating, and yeast free recipes and drinks that the whole family can enjoy,

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chronic Yeast Infections

Repeat yeast infections can be so frustrating. Taking antibiotics repeatedly within a year can weaken your immune system. You may feel as if, as soon as you start to recover, you are bombarded with another yeast infection.

It is obvious that the antibiotics may not be as effective. If you have taken more than 3 rounds of antibiotics, they may only make you sicker. Any amount of stress, or eating too much of the wrong foods can bring back another yeast infection that may be resistant to the antibiotic that you have taken previously. You may feel weaker and it may take longer to recover from each yeast infection.

Taking a pro-biotic every day can help place good bacteria back into your body. Acidophilus Pro-biotic tablets with active cultures will help. The anti-biotic has done it's job previously and killed off good and bad bacteria. If you don't rebuild up your immune system, you will be more apt to quickly have another repeat yeast infection.

Buttermilk for example has live cultures in it; it is very similar to yogurt. Buttermilk can be found in the freezer section of any grocery store. A great natural help for an inflamed yeast infection in women is to douche with cold butter milk twice a day. This provides relief from the burning and itching. Especially if you have sores on vagina from yeast infection.

While taking any supplement for health, be sure to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help your body fight off the yeast infection. Avoiding sugar in your diet plays an important role in preventing reoccurring yeast infections.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is your clothing selections causing your yeast infection?

Many times we choose fashion over health. The types of undergarments and clothes that we wear do have an effect on our skin. Natural fibers allow for your skin to breathe.

Wearing tight, clingy often sexy fabrics can cause havoc on your skin.

5 tips to keep yeast infections at bay.

1.During the warmer summer months after working out, shower and change your clothing.

2.If your yeast problem is on your nipples, make sure that your bra, or nursing bra is made of cotton and not a synthetic fabric. After nursing, put a thin layer of milk on your nipples and air dry before putting clothes back on.

3.Underwear. Ladies look for panty line free styles that are 100% cotton.

4.Wear pant fabrics with stretch in them. Avoid super tight pants and shorts, that go up your butt. Yes, you will see this fashion violation the hotter it gets this summer.

5. If you have athletes feet soak your feet in baking soda and water at the end of a long day. Wear 100% cotton socks.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The secret to Sweetening with powdered Stevia.

Sugar free iced herbal teas and ice coffee.

The first time I tried using Stevia in my tea, the flavor was strong and absolutely disgusting. Don’t let that sway you from trying, I just prepared by drink wrong.

The best way to choose which drink to make to sweeten with Stevia is to consider the flavor. Is it a tea or juice with a light flavor?

Coffee for example I have been unable to duplicate the same sweetness as sugar. Splenda might be a good alternative for that. While making iced coffee add the sweetener while the drink is hot, then let it cool down. You will need less coffee to make a strong tasting drink, that will ice down well.

While brewing your tea, place a coffee cup or something to let the tea steep for about three minutes. After removing the top from your tea, you are going to pour a small amount of tea aside. For a single serve drink start out with about ¼ cup of hot tea. Place a very small amount of Stevia and let it dissolve and sit for a few minutes. A small amount would be about a quarter to half teaspoon.

Ice the drink down first, then top off the tea with some water. Gently stir. The drink will not be bitter, if it is that meant that you put in too much Stevia. If it is too sweet, just add more water to your glass. Keep experimenting with your favorite flavors, to find something that works for your own taste buds.

Ease up on Sugar.

Candida feeds on sugar. Have you ever had a snack with loads of sugar, and immediately started to feel bogged down, and tired? Sugar also does not help with the amount of overgrowth of yeast in your body. When battling a yeast infection of any kind, it is best to avoid or cut down on sugar.

The easiest place to start is in your drinks. Do you drink several sodas everyday? Do you prepare numerous cups of coffee in the morning and just shake in the sugar.

Artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners are a great alternative to sweetening all of your drinks with sugar. While you are out, try an unsweetened tea at your favorite fast food restaurant. McDonald’s ha s a great this summer on an extra large sweet or unsweetened tea for one dollar. The sweeteners available there are Splenda, Sweet n low, and Equal. If you are addicted to flavored water, bring along an on the go powdered drink packet to add to bottled or a drink of water. When you start looking for options not sweetened with corn syrup or sugar will become more visible.

If you absolutely can not live without your sweet tea, try this. Start to measure your sugar by the glass. Make a picture of iced tea unsweetened. Regular tea is great; but also considers some herbal tees with flavor. Such as green tea, chai, or berry flavored. Start gradually reducing the amount of sugar that you put into your drink. Give natural sweeteners a try. Try a few different types of drinks with sweeteners like Stevia or Agave Nectar.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How to soothe the pain of yeast infections.

No one wants to stop the business of their lives to deal with a yeast infection. Work, school, and care giver responsibilities do not stop, just because you have this issue. There are ways to assist your treatment method of choice. Even if you are waiting for medicine or a herbal cure to work, these tips can help you feel better.

Natural douches and body rinses that provide relief. An aide to help you feel better does not have to be expensive or by prescription to work. These two products are very inexpensive, and readily available.

Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted in the form of one tablespoon per one cup of water. You can mix this together in a douche bottle or squared shallow plastic container.

Women experiencing vaginal pain to the touch; can rinse themselves clean after using the restroom. A squirt bottle from a drug store can also be used. This inexpensive peroxide solution can help speed the healing process on your skin.
Buttermilk can be used as a douche. This can be purchased at any supermarket. Prepare as normal in a douche or squirt bottle, and apply. This will provide cooling relief to hurting skin.

Any other place on your body where there is yeast is present, you can apply these solutions throughout the day by using your plastic square container or squirt bottle. Be sure to mark your containers “not for food”, or keep them in the bathroom.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Coping with yeast infection symptoms. Treating the itch.

Many women experience yeast infection at least once in their life times. No one is ever really prepared to have a severe or extremely resistant case. Yeast infections can cause the skin to be inflamed, crack, and even bleed.

Cheap Cleansing Rinse

A cool cleansing rinse can provide some relief of pain. Get a square shaped bowl, label it so that it is not used for food consumption. Place one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to one cup of water and gently swish. Stream this solution over any inflamed area on the outer lips or labia. This will help cool the symptoms.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Candida Explained.

What is Candida?

Candidiasis is the common name for a condition that results in the overproduction of a form of yeast normally found in the body at low levels. Candida is not considered anything to worry about; however, recent research has put a spotlight on this form of yeast that is causing the medical profession to reconsider its totally benign assessment of candida. It is inside all of us – in the digestive tract, mouth, and throat. In women, it is also found in the vagina. The most common species of candida is called candida albicans.

When the human body is weakened it is vulnerable to attack. Consider that at all times various bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens are waging an unseen war against the body. Likewise, the immune system is always on guard, waiting for the attack. In response to outside invasion, the body produces various weapons to fight hostile aggression. Sometimes, if the body is weakened through a host of conditions and situations, the immune system cannot do its job properly.

One common condition caused by candida is thrush. Thrush is a buildup of candida that can effect men and women alike. As many as seventy-five percent of women will experience at least one vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime – caused by an overgrowth of candida.

These common conditions are annoying, but they do not represent the symptoms of chronic Candidiasis. Chronic overproduction of candida can lead to a wide range of physical and mental symptoms. It can manifest as abdominal pain, fatigue, skin infections, and even cognitive difficulties. There appears to be such an extent of problems related to candida overgrowth that candida is often dismissed as a cause.

In chronic Candidiasis, the rapidly multiplying candida changes form. It morphs into its dangerous fungal state and spreads. The fungal form of candida produces rhizoids – hook-shaped barbed appendages that cut into tissue and membranes, causing pain and other harmful symptoms. If not treated, a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome can develop in the intestinal tract. Leaky Gut Syndrome allows toxins to leave the digestive tract and feed right into the bloodstream. It is also interesting to note that once someone begins treatment to kill the excess candida growth, the initial reaction to treatment will often result with the patient actually feeling worse! This is due to the fact that the fungal form of candida does not want to die and it fights like heck to survive!

In addition, there are indications that candidiasis can affect people who do not have compromised immune systems. New research has indicated that people who have healthy immune systems can also fall victim to the rhizoid-reach of candida. This is important because it presents a way for science to pinpoint root causes instead of simply treating symptoms.

Candida is most likely responsible for more problems than it is given credit for. Before you start treatment for candida, you should try and read up about the subject and fully understand what is involved. As with anything else, knowledge is power.

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Treating Candida Naturally

Recent research has concluded that candida may have a more pronounced affect on health that previously thought. Candida is naturally occurring yeast that is present in every human being – we all have it all the time! When candida grows excessively it is due to a bacterial infection. Normally, it is harmless and exists in relative balance with the rest of the body. However, if the levels increase out of range of natural harmony it can cause dozens of unwanted symptoms.

Fortunately, there are ways to treat candida naturally. The mindset to treating candida should be to return the body to its natural state of equilibrium. When treating candida naturally the idea is that no prescription medications, doctor visits, or medications are necessary to fix the problem.

Using a combination of supplements, changes to the diet, anti-fungal agents, and vitamins and minerals can be effective in the battle against candida. Furthermore, as more and more research has proven that natural remedies can be just as successful as synthetic ones, people are finally starting to realize that Mother Nature has graciously provided for the healing and treatment of a huge variety of health problems.

Using vitamins, nutrients, and supplements will enable the body to rid the body of excess yeast growth. Due to the hectic lives many of us lead, it is fairly difficult for people to properly balance their diets. It is tempting to drink coffee, eat junk food, and ignore the variety of vitamins and nutrients the body so desperately needs. Vitamins and nutrients that are effective in treating candida include vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, iron, glutamine, and healthy fatty acids. These substances are more available than ever before. Not only do health food stores and pharmacies carry these products – you can also find them at major supermarket chains.

In addition, you should try to consume as many antioxidants as possible. Antioxidants are important to the body for fighting disease. Antioxidants function by rendering toxins in the body harmless. Over the past few years the use of antioxidants has become more widespread. Foods are even being engineered to include heavier amounts of these beneficial substances. A great natural source of antioxidents is berries, particular blueberries.

Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. It is common for the treatment of candida. In essence, flaxseed oil is a natural antifungal agent. This means that flaxseed oil naturally does what prescription anti-fungal agents are supposed to do. Its properties are often highly successful in limiting candida growth and it should be part of any natural candida treatment.

As you can see it is possible to treat candida naturally. While these minerals, nutrients, and supplements can be a little pricey, the benefit to your health will greatly outweigh the financial cost. Even taking the monetary cost into consideration, Candida must be treated one way or another. It is always best to attempt to heal yourself the natural way over prescription drugs. This will enable your body to defeat problems the way nature intended it to.

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Sucsessfull treatment of Candida.

Treating Candida

Candida is a type of yeast that is always present in the human body and it is normally benign. However, when it grows unchecked it can cause a variety of health problems throughout the body. The longer candida growth continues unfettered the more severe the problems can become. Research is now just beginning to scratch the surface on how harmful excess candida can actually be. The initial findings are stunning: candida may be the root cause of a long list of physical and emotional symptoms. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat candida.

Typically, those with candida have compromised immune systems, although this is not always the case. In recent years medical researchers have begun to realize that there might be benefits in treating healthy people who have experienced an overgrowth of candida. It appears to be a worthwhile approach that scientists and researchers are scrambling to understand.

When treating candida, it is important to remember that it is just a substance that is normally present in the body – the problems only occur when there is much more of it then there should be. Have you ever heard the expression ‘too much of a good thing is no good at all’? - this saying applies directly to candida growth.

The most common form of treatment for candida is through the use of antibiotics. Since it is excess bad bacteria that allows yeast to grow which causes Candida, certain antibiotics will help destroy the overgrowth. However, antibiotics also kill good bacteria – they don’t discriminate – and the use of antibiotics can have an adverse effect on the rest of the body. You can compare it to chemotherapy in a sense – chemotherapy destroys cancerous cells, however, it also destroys healthy tissue. Your body requires a healthy balance of bacteria to keep its systems running at top speed. In fact, your digestive tract in particular requires helpful bacteria to ensure proper digestive functioning.

It is common for many women to develop yeast infections while they are taking prescription antibiotics. This occurs due to the fact that the good bacteria keep yeast formation in check. Furthermore, the widespread use of antibiotics has limited their ability to fight against bacteria. Common use has allowed bacteria to adapt to particular antibiotics, potentially rendering them ineffective. Also, if you are taking antibiotics, it is extremely important to finish the entire course. Many people start feeling better and simply stop taking the pills. This can allow remaining bacteria to develop immunity to that specific antibiotic.

Another method of treating candida is through the employment of probiotics. Put simply, probiotics are other forms of live bacteria that are good for the body. Probiotics are available in powders, capsules, and even in some types of yogurt.

These represent the main medical treatments for candida. It is important that you ensure your body has a good balance of bacteria in order for it to function well. Sometimes candida growth can occur in healthy people and research has proven this fact. It is paramount that you do everything possible to limit candida growth as the consequences of letting it run unchecked can be extremely detrimental to your health.

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Herbal Remedies for Candida related problems.

6 Herbal Remedies for Candida

The treatment methods for Candida are wide-ranging since the symptoms that it causes are so broad. Possible cures, such as probiotics, changing one’s diet so that it is as sugar-free and carb-free as possible, therefore depriving Candida of it’s main source of food and riding yourself of antibiotic treatment, which many consider the original cause of Candida are all popular choices. But if none of those options work for you, what can you do? There are several herbal and all-natural options available.

One of the most popular choices in dealing with Candida is the addition of shark liver oil to your diet. It’s believed that shark liver oil does wonders for the body when it comes to improving the health of the immune system. This is important for sufferers of Candida since the best weapon we all have against Candida running wild in our bodies is our own immune system.

Another popular herbal remedy for Candida is grapefruit seed extract. Grapefruit seed extract is an anti-fungal solution that helps to raise the bodies pH back to a level where it becomes too acidic for the Candida to live. Helping to raise the bodies’ pH level back to healthy levels is an effective way to treat Candida.

Garlic pills are another common, all-natural way to deal with Candida. It’s believed that garlic can inhibit the growth of Candida in the human body since it does have some antimicrobial properties. An even more effective version of garlic, a purified extract known as allyl alcohol, has shown to be effective in killing yeast, and therefore Candida, in lab tests. The same tests have shown that the garlic can start working within hours of ingestion, making it a popular choice.

Certain oils have also demonstrated an ability to kill or suppress Candida in lab tests on animals. Natural oils from cayenne pepper, cloves and especially oregano have been tested and shown to help Candida sufferers. They showed an ability to reduce the amount of Candida in animals with a suppressed immune system and an ability to reduce the overall number of colonies of Candida in animals, as well.

Tea tree oil is another herbal remedy that has shown good anti-fungal properties, as well as anti-Candida properties. Tea tree oil works best when rubbed into the skin in areas where the Candida infection is present, like the feet or anywhere where a Candida-caused outbreak of psoriasis has occurred. Studies showed that the tea tree oil weakened the cell walls of the yeast, making them easier for the bodies immune system to kill off.

Lactoferrin, which comes from whey protein, has been shown in lab studies to help the body fight off yeasts, bacteria and even some parasites. It has shown to survive the stomachs digestive juices and make its way into the intestine where it can battle the Candida.

Because Candida is a fairly new condition and is still so controversial, there really is no medical consensus as to the best way to treat it herbally. The best choice for anyone looking to treat their Candida is to speak with a doctor, or at the very least a trained dietician about what treatment is best for you.

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Causes of Candida in the body.

Causes of Candida

Candida is a form of yeast that exists naturally in everyone. It is normally harmless and is simply present in the body. However, if the body for one reason or another falls out of balance, candida can grow excessively, leading to a host of problems. Unlike many other medical conditions, there is not just one cause of candidiasis that is accepted by the medical community. There is a combination of a variety of different factors that allows this form of yeast to wreak havoc on the human body.

There are certain individuals that are more prone to candida overgrowth than others. It is understood that individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible than others for abnormal candida growth. People with AIDS, diabetes, cancer, depression, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions are most at risk. Prolonged use of certain medications may also put an individual at risk of developing an overgrowth of candida.

Immune weakness is probably the most obvious reason for the development of candidiasis. When the immune system is compromised the body is vulnerable to attack from a wide variety of pathogens – not just candida. Interestingly, candida can often start to flourish when a person uses antibiotics as antibiotics kill off the good bacteria that are instrumental in keeping candida production in check. When good bacteria is depleted the environment for candida to thrive is created.

While there is no single reason for candidiasis to develop, there are a number of factors that can pile up, thus triggering candida overproduction. Have you ever heard the saying ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’? It is an excellent way to understand how candidiasis develops.

Current thinking points to the possibility that candida overproduction is highly common. It may be that a litany of medical problems is caused by candida. Additionally, the causes may be more numerous than previously thought. Besides immune diseases and cancers, the treatments for these conditions can also be causes of candida. In addition, the use of steroid medications, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, birth control pill use for over three years, various toxins such as lead or mercury, hormonal changes, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, and thyroid disease are also possible culprits.

It is easy to see how these factors can be described as causes of candida. They are all instrumental in lowering the body’s ability to manage itself. When this happens the body is susceptible to candida. The symptoms of candida overgrowth can gradually appear or flourish with a bang.

When candida takes on a dominant role in the body this potential form of virulent yeast transforms into its fungal form. This fungal state enables candida to cause damage and release dangerous toxins into the body. If you remember that one of the causes of mass candida is toxins, you can see the creation of a cycle that further sets the body at risk for various health problems.

There are many causes of candida that must be accounted for. If you understand how candida is produced in abundance, you can formulate a plan to fight against it.

Remember, if you suspect that you may have developed candidiasis, you should immediately work to counter it. There are many steps you can take – both natural and through medical intervention. Make sure that you research all your options and choose the path that will help you achieve better health.

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Are you ready for Candida Die-off?

If you suffer from candida dysbiosis, or yeast overgrowth, you’re in good company. The condition afflicts some 80 million Americans every year. The good news is, the condition is fairly easy to treat. The bad news is, the treatment’s side effects can be unpleasant, too.

You see, the only way to remedy the conditions brought on by candida is to kill off the candida bacteria, reducing their numbers back to where they’re supposed to be naturally. (Your body is meant to have SOME candida, remember.) But when yeast is killed off rapidly and in great numbers, whether by the body’s immune system, by drugs, or by a radical change in diet, the dying candida cells excrete toxins.

This condition is known as the Herxheimer Die-off Reaction, and the symptoms aren’t pretty. Common side effects of candida die-off are headache, fatigue, aches, mucous congestion, constipation, gas, dizziness, depression -- in other words, some of the same symptoms of the ailment (candida dysbiosis) that you’re trying to get rid of in the first place!

Because of this, many patients unfortunately abandon their yeast-reduction program before it’s finished, thinking either that it’s not working or that the cure is worse than the disease. This is a mistake, however. The candida die-off side effects can last from a few days to a few weeks, but they usually clear up within seven days. Once they’re gone, the candida symptoms are gone, too, and you’re back to normal.

There are several ways to combat candida overgrowth, some healthier than others. The die-off symptoms do NOT happen every time. They are only the result of yeast being killed too quickly and in great numbers. If you take a slower, more methodical approach, you can often avoid the die-off side effects altogether.

The first step is to modify your diet to starve the candida. This means avoiding sugars and simple carbohydrates that break down rapidly, and foods that are fermented or contain yeast or mold.

Then, with many candida cells already starved to death and the others weakened, you move in for the kill. Your doctor can prescribe something specifically to get rid of the candida, and some home remedies work, too. Grapefruit seed extract, calcium undecylenate, and sorbic acid are among the more common anti-yeast remedies.

If you find you are suffering from candida die-off reactions, there are things you can do to minimize the effects. Sometimes, reducing your dosage of antifungal remedies for a few days can do the trick. Those medicines kill off the yeast quickly, so slowing down the death rate can make the transition smoother.

Get plenty of rest, too, as excessive fatigue or exercise during the die-off phase will make the symptoms worse.

It’s also important to drink lots and lots of water -- so much water you think you’re drinking too much -- as this helps flush out the toxins being released by the dying candida. Along those same lines, be sure to have complete and thorough bowel eliminations, using laxatives if necessary.

Above all, don’t be discouraged. The process of killing off the excess candida in your system can be rough, but in the end you’ll be glad you did as you return to your full health.

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Is your diet causing Candida symptoms?

Candida and Diet

Candida overgrowth can be maintained through the use of supplements, nutrients, and minerals. It can also be kept in check through the use of antibiotics and anti-fungal agents. However, one of the easiest ways to fight against candida is through simple changes to your diet. Have you ever heard the expression ‘you are what you eat’? Chances are that you have and this is more appropriate for fighting candida than for anything else!

It is simple if you think about it. Candida is an overgrowth of yeast. Limiting intake of food that promotes the growth of yeast is extremely effective in limiting candida. In addition, you can also eat foods that naturally work against yeast production. Yes, there are foods that fight against yeast production!

It is interesting to note that when you begin to eliminate the environment that yeast needs to thrive the candida will attempt to survive. This is a basic law of nature. When candida begins to die off it can cause you to feel even worse. It might seem like you are actually getting very sick for a couple of days. Do not worry about this – it is completely normal. If you stick with it and continue to eliminate candida the symptoms will eventually subside and you will find yourself feeling great – better than you probably have in years!

There are many foods you should avoid on your quest to eliminate the overgrowth of candida. Avoid foods high in sugar content and foods that contain yeast products. It is also a good idea to leave fruit off the menu even though it is widely considered to be healthy for everyone. The reason is because fruit is high in sugar. Vinegar should also be avoided due to the fact that it is made with yeast. Foods that are either smoked or cured should also be avoided. Furthermore, acidic foods and beverages should not be consumed. Alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods such as fast foods must also be removed from your menu if you want to adopt a diet that will hinder the growth of candida.

On the other hand, there are certain foods that can aid your body’s fight against candida. Many forms of vegetables and legumes including asparagus, broccoli, spinach, celery, beans, and onions can be effective at limiting candida. Meats are a good weapon against candida unless they are cured or processed. Fish is also a formidable weapon against candida. You should also make an effort to eat nuts, butter, eggs, and drink lots of water, which acts as a natural detoxifier.

The battle against candida can be won. It will take some commitment on your part and a willingness to change. If you follow the suggestions in this article, you should see a difference in short amount of time. It is important to remember that your diet is important in your fight against candida. However, it will take commitment on your part to really feel the benefits – so that means no cheating!! You should work out a plan for success before you begin making changes to your diet.

Please note: it is important to consult a medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

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