Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How to soothe the pain of yeast infections.

No one wants to stop the business of their lives to deal with a yeast infection. Work, school, and care giver responsibilities do not stop, just because you have this issue. There are ways to assist your treatment method of choice. Even if you are waiting for medicine or a herbal cure to work, these tips can help you feel better.

Natural douches and body rinses that provide relief. An aide to help you feel better does not have to be expensive or by prescription to work. These two products are very inexpensive, and readily available.

Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted in the form of one tablespoon per one cup of water. You can mix this together in a douche bottle or squared shallow plastic container.

Women experiencing vaginal pain to the touch; can rinse themselves clean after using the restroom. A squirt bottle from a drug store can also be used. This inexpensive peroxide solution can help speed the healing process on your skin.
Buttermilk can be used as a douche. This can be purchased at any supermarket. Prepare as normal in a douche or squirt bottle, and apply. This will provide cooling relief to hurting skin.

Any other place on your body where there is yeast is present, you can apply these solutions throughout the day by using your plastic square container or squirt bottle. Be sure to mark your containers “not for food”, or keep them in the bathroom.

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