Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Is your diet causing Candida symptoms?

Candida and Diet

Candida overgrowth can be maintained through the use of supplements, nutrients, and minerals. It can also be kept in check through the use of antibiotics and anti-fungal agents. However, one of the easiest ways to fight against candida is through simple changes to your diet. Have you ever heard the expression ‘you are what you eat’? Chances are that you have and this is more appropriate for fighting candida than for anything else!

It is simple if you think about it. Candida is an overgrowth of yeast. Limiting intake of food that promotes the growth of yeast is extremely effective in limiting candida. In addition, you can also eat foods that naturally work against yeast production. Yes, there are foods that fight against yeast production!

It is interesting to note that when you begin to eliminate the environment that yeast needs to thrive the candida will attempt to survive. This is a basic law of nature. When candida begins to die off it can cause you to feel even worse. It might seem like you are actually getting very sick for a couple of days. Do not worry about this – it is completely normal. If you stick with it and continue to eliminate candida the symptoms will eventually subside and you will find yourself feeling great – better than you probably have in years!

There are many foods you should avoid on your quest to eliminate the overgrowth of candida. Avoid foods high in sugar content and foods that contain yeast products. It is also a good idea to leave fruit off the menu even though it is widely considered to be healthy for everyone. The reason is because fruit is high in sugar. Vinegar should also be avoided due to the fact that it is made with yeast. Foods that are either smoked or cured should also be avoided. Furthermore, acidic foods and beverages should not be consumed. Alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods such as fast foods must also be removed from your menu if you want to adopt a diet that will hinder the growth of candida.

On the other hand, there are certain foods that can aid your body’s fight against candida. Many forms of vegetables and legumes including asparagus, broccoli, spinach, celery, beans, and onions can be effective at limiting candida. Meats are a good weapon against candida unless they are cured or processed. Fish is also a formidable weapon against candida. You should also make an effort to eat nuts, butter, eggs, and drink lots of water, which acts as a natural detoxifier.

The battle against candida can be won. It will take some commitment on your part and a willingness to change. If you follow the suggestions in this article, you should see a difference in short amount of time. It is important to remember that your diet is important in your fight against candida. However, it will take commitment on your part to really feel the benefits – so that means no cheating!! You should work out a plan for success before you begin making changes to your diet.

Please note: it is important to consult a medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

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